Saturday, February 3, 2007

OMFG- sorry to sound so spaz, but I've just made two mighty discoveries- neither of which will really change the world particularly, drastically, at all. The first being I totally ballsed up the name of my sodding blog. This is great, because I used to be an editor for Christ's sake (admittedly for a student newspaper) and not only am I recognising just how god awful my shite typing skills are- I didn't even proof read the bloody thing. The second discovery- likely to have a bit more universal appeal is Eye of the Tiger appears not only to be the lame theme song for the overwhelmingly credible cinematic masterpiece RockyIII, but seems to be operating as some kind of theme. Sweet.

I've just made another discovery. And I started this thinking the world is shit, but it's really a paradise full of inane information and useless self contemplation. That wasn't my discovery. I just saw one of those horny late night sex commercials that have about the same erotic appeal as masturbating with sandpaper- and could have sworned I heard the charming lobotamised high pitched monotones of Charli from Hi 5. Whilst this conclusion amused me heartedly for a sec , I had to borrow from the good sense basket and reflect that the coked up singing/ dancing anorexia embassadors that are children's TV's finest earn a proverbial fuckload of dosh, so chances Charlz is earning some extra cash on a late night teev perv fest is probably a long shot.

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